Installation: The Selfie Matter
Guest experience about the selfie history!
"Educational and fun!" /P1 Kultur
Welcome to the fascinating world of selfies, where every picture tells a story and everyone in front of the camera is a photographer with something to say. Selfies are a global phenomenon that has taken social media by storm. From 1839, when the first selfie is said to have been taken, to 2013 when the word was legitimized by inclusion in the Oxford English Dictionary, this type of self-expression has become more and more common and accessible to more and more people. Welcome to The Selfie Matter - an installation where we delve into almost 200 years of selfie history. From the world's very first selfies to today's most famous selfies. Of course, you can also try taking your own selfie from 1839 to today - in a brand new AR-mirror with unique filters created by Snapchat just for this installation.