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TCK Talks – Notion of OBEY

Fotografiska and Third Culture Kids Present TCK Talks: A series of interactive talks featuring artists from Sweden, all of whom identify as Third Culture Kids.


Fotografiska and Third Culture Kids presents TCK Talks: a series of interactive talks by young artists, all of whom identify as Third Culture Kids.

Join us at Fotografiska for an evening celebrating OBEY's core ideas of rebellion, self-expression, and resistance to authority. Through a creative panel discussion we’ll explore how expression challenges and provokes critical thinking. Engage with artists and thinkers on the lasting impact of OBEY’s message on culture and identity.

Panel talk

Elle Azhdari
Designer and creative director known for her innovative approach to art, fashion & contemporary design. Elle also creates unconventional pastry art like never seen before.

Saba Tadele Gebrewold 
Artist and a cultural strategist who specializes in fostering cross-cultural collaboration and amplifying underrepresented voices in the arts and creative industries.

Parasto Backman
Award-winning graphic designer and art director, renowned for her bold, conceptual designs that explore identity, culture, and social issues through visual communication.

Producer, creator and DJ. As a multidisciplinary individual, Tusabe always has the passion to create different mediums and experiences.

Liban Bashir Mohamed
Artist and filmmaker who often draws on deeply personal experiences in his practice and works introspectively around themes such as belonging, identity and memory.

DJ set by Tusabe and Lilshiit


TCK Talks is a collaboration between Fotografiska and Third Culture Kids to celebrate the Shepard Fairey Exhibition and offer visitors an unparalleled opportunity to explore street art, the artists behind it, and the impact of art-ivism. We come together with a shared vision of creating spaces for participation and access to art and its institutions.

TCK Talks is centered around the theme of ART-ivism, on which the invited artists reflect. The theme sheds light on how the arts can address inequities, amplify diverse voices, and push society forward.